Do you really know what is happening to children being held in Immigration Detention Centres in Australia?
Are you aware that detaining children is in breach of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Australia is a signatory? Do you know that these children (who are innocent of any crime) are being denied access to reasonable education and opportunities to play and develop?
A hallmark of any civilised society is how it treats its most vulnerable members. Our failure to treat the children of asylum seekers with humanity and compassion is damaging their physical development and scarring them emotionally. Ultimately, Australia will accept as refugees between 80 and 90% of families in detention, forcing the community deal then with problems we have largely created.
In the light of turbulent global events, we can be sure that asylum seekers will continue to arrive. Among them will continue to be children. We believe that we should recognise their special needs, and protect their specific rights. Whatever your position on the broader issue of asylum seekers, we believe the plight of the children deserves your concern. The children are our focus.
The Prime Minister said recently that the unaccompanied children (the number varies from around 50 up to 119) currently held in detention have been sent here by their parents to get a foot in the door. Given the conditions of the refugees in Afghanistan and other countries, what parent wouldnt, for the sake of the child alone? Who, as a parent, would hesitate to give their children a better chance of life? And to punish anyone, let alone an innocent child, to send a message to others offends the fundamentals of our legal system. Locking up a 10-year-old to send a message to others?
We view this as a humanitarian issue, above politics. The treatment of these children reflects on all of us. The Minister for Immigration, Mr Ruddock, will soon go to Geneva to argue to the United Nations that our treatment of asylum seekers, including children, reflects the wishes of Australians! If you disagree, this is an opportunity for you to say so.
Since the federal election the major political parties appear to be backing off from their hard line on asylum seekers. Now is the time to urge them to review these appalling policies.
Download and print a copy of our petition now.
Petition.doc (MS Word format)
Petition.pdf (Adobe Portable Document format)
It is useful to attach the petition to a clipboard with a pen. You can collect signatures directly from people you know and meet. You can also leave copies of the petition at local supermarkets, schools etc. and collect completed sheets regularly.
Please post completed petitions to:
Andrew Lee
Unit 2, 16 Notts Avenue
Bondi Beach NSW 2026