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ChilOut Calendars for 2005

All profits from the sale of these calendars goes to assist children and their parents or carers in Australian immigration detention centres or in our work to help inform other Australians of the plight of these children. 


Calendars for 2005 are available for purchase via our on-line store, by post, for direct purchase at ChilOut events and through ChilOut profit-share partnersCalendars are now $12 each or 2 for $20.


To order by post please click on one of the download links below and print the order form. 

Download: ChilOutCalendar.doc or ChilOutCalendar.pdf



ChilOut again extends our thanks to the School of Communication Design and Media, University of Western Sydney for the calendar design. We also thank the children and their families who participated in the novel design for 2005.


Calendar profit share

Last year many other groups and organisations collaborated very successfully in selling ChilOut calendars on a profit share basis.


Our proposal for groups who are interested in selling calendars is that we split the $12 purchase price three ways: $4 to cover costs, $4 to ChilOut and $4 to your group. We only have a limited number so would like those interested to be realistic regarding the quantities you feel you can sell.


If you are interested in participating in this profit share arrangement please email us at with your address, shipping details and requested quantity.

We do not expect groups to purchase calendars up front. You may account for them towards the end of the year or early next year.


Freedom Calendar 2005

For information about these calendars with refugee artwork, please contact Riz Wakil, or call 0405 157 085.