An edited version of Sophie Peer's opening address to Aust Human Rights Commission public hearing 2 July 2014, The Guardian Australia
Pregnant asylum seekers transferred from Nauru to Australia for abortions, 20 June 2014, The Guardian Australia
Speaking Out - ChilOut Ambassador, Bashir, Weekend Sunrise, Channel Seven, 6 April 2014
Child detention 'cruel', inquiry told, Sydney Morning Herald, 5 April 2014 featuring ChilOut Ambassador, Bashir
Bashir on The Project, Channel Ten, 4 April 2014 ChilOut Ambassador shares his story
Children in detention feel hopeless, SBS News, 4 April 2014 Featuring ChilOut Ambassador, Bashir.
Poor education for children in detention on Christmas Island, ABC Radio National, 4 April 2014
Pictures of misery: What children draw in detention on Christmas Island, 26 March 2014 Comment piece by our Campaign Director, Sophie Peer in The Guardian
Pregnant asylum seekers moved south to ease pressure on busy Royal Darwin Hospital, ABC News, 10 January 2014
Families split by Australian migrant centres AlJazeera, 8 January 2014
ChilOut report calls for 'child-centric overhaul' of Darwin detention centres 4ZZZ Radio, 19 December 2013
Asylum seekers; post-natal care inadequate, report finds The Guardian Australia, 18 December 2013
Damaging Children, The Stringer Independent News, 18 December 2013
Psychiatrist says immigration detention centre babies denied care ABC TV, 18 December 2013
Inside the immigration detention facilities in Darwin: : breeding grounds for mental illness Croakey, The Crikey Health Blog, 17 December 2013. Opinion piece by Professor Caroline deCosta who accompanied ChilOut on our visit of Darwin's so-called Alternative Places of Detention
Asylum Policy of deterrence threatening families The Age, 15 November 2013
Job ads describe quandry of caring for unaccompanied children on Nauru, ABC, 13 November 2013
Asylum children denied access to school; ABC News Breakfast 7 Nov 2013
Villawood guards search lunchboxes of asylum seeker schoolchildren Guardian Australia, October 29 2013
Deterrent policies are not long-term solutions: ChilOut, ABC News Breakfast 24 July 2013
Asylum seeker children attempting suicide at Pontville 'prison'. ABC News 16 July 2013
Better choices for children than detention, ChilOut. SBS Podcast 12 June 2013
Permanent immigration detention centre on Manus, SBS Radio, 5 June 2013
Slashed funding for refugee children slammed, SBS Radio, 4 June 2013
Re-cap of recent asylum policy changes, 3cr Radio Podcast, 4 June 2013
Government slashes budget for unaccompanied refugee minors, 3 June 2013
Australia going backwards on refugee policy, SBS Radio 23 May 2013
Calls for new process to review ASIO assessments, SBS Radio 23 May 2013
Child still detained after father died on Christmas Island, ABC News, 7 May 2013
Nine year old boy detained at Christmas Island after father's death, The Stringer, Independent News 7 May 2013
Where to put the growing number of asylum seeker children, ABC Radio National Drive program 1 May 2013
Minister to consider reopening Curtin detention centre to families, 22 April 2013, SMH
New pleas on behalf of detained children 5 April 2013, SBS World News Radio.
Australia punishes children in immigration prisons 15 March 2013,
New website to share asylum seeker stories 14 March 2013, Nine MSN
A Manus Island detainee speaks: Exclusive 13 March 2013 The Project Channel Ten
Furore over Australian detention of immigrant children 5 March 2013, IRIN
Child rights group blocked from visiting Manus 27 February 2013, SBS Radio
Mom locked up in Australia as security risk has baby boy. CNN Jan 2013.
The Project Campaign Manager Leila Druery on the plight of Australia's youngest immigration detainee and his family. Jan 2013
Born Free ABC News, Jan 2013. Coverage of the campaign shedding light on a little boy born into immigration detention and the issue of indefinite detention of children and their families.
Ranjiny's baby will be born into a life in a detention centre Mamamia piece, Leila Druery Jan 2013
Detained refugee mother of two scheduled to give birth this Sunday Ranjini is a Sri Lankan woman who was found to be a genuine refugee, only to be given a negative secuirty assessment by ASIO mid last year and put into immigration detention, along with her two sons. Brisbane Line reporter Steven Riggall spoke to Leila Druery from Chilout about the event.
A letter to children spending the holidays in immigration detention. Written by Bashir, a ChilOut Ambassador, formerly detained as an asylum seeker. Dec 2012
The plight of a family in immigration detention with two severely disabled children. From inside detention, two mothers have spoken out about what they say is woefully inadequate medical support for their severely disabled children. Nov 2012
From high seas to HSC: a refugee success story ChilOut Ambassadors Bashir and Mohsin share their remarkable stories with Monique Schafter on ABC's 7:30 program. Nov 2012
Renewed fears for children in detention centres. A new report has revealed just how badly detention centres are affecting asylum seekers, especially children and impaired refugees. Darwin. Nov 2012
Rally: Nauru detention a 'black day' for human rights. Green Left Weekly, 15 Sept. Dianne Hiles was amoung prominant refugee advocates who rallied in Sydeny in a snap response to the first group of 40 asylum seekers flown to Nauru to be held indefinitly.
We can't treat refugees as pawns in a political game The Punch, 20 July 2012. Dianne HIles opinion piece questions why we can't aim higher than using the vunerable position of asylum seeking children as tools for political gain. Dianne looks at issues of family reunion and a raft of possible solutions, not one quick slogan, to a set of complex issues.
Locking up children is not making us safer, The Punch 26 March 2012. Sophie Peer's opinion piece questions why Australia cannot live up to the best practice outlined in the International Detention Coalition's Report; Captured Childhood. If we're not locking up kids for the sake of national interest or because there's no other option.. then why are we doing it?
Child detention should be outlawed, SBS TV 21 March 2012 Sophie Peer was among those interviewed at the Melbourne launch of the International Detention Coalition report, Captured Childhood
Seven year old girl in immigration detention 7 Feb 2012 As the youngest child in the Minister's 'care' is moved to her third detention centre in 9months, ChilOut's Sophie Peer speaks on ABC Radio.
The Sad Writing's on the Wall. Sophie Peer in The Hoopla Jan 12, 2012. Local NT kids were turned away from Darwin Airport Lodge on Christmas Day because they tried to give apparently banned gifts of crayons and textas to those in detention. There is nothing 'alternative' about locking children in the Darwin Airport Lodge.
Take more asylum seekers to ensure fewer boats The Punch, 22 December 2011 Both major parties engage in spin and tough talk only 24hours after the tragic loss of life off the coast of Java. ChilOut gives some perspective and actual policy ideas.