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Australians working on behalf of asylum seekers and refugees

View the Google Directory entry for Refugee Rights in Australia

Many popular web sites can be accessed from the Google directory.

Refugees Australia National Directory - the most concise listing of Australian Refugee groups available on the Internet. Includes quick facts, taking action links and a contacts page with email addresses and phone numbers of groups in Australia.
A Just Australia - Australians for Just Refugee Programs is an umbrella organisation working on a national campaign strategy.

Rural Australians for Refugees is "an informal group of concerned citizens working hard to turn this country away from an inhumane and bizarre policy. [...] There are sixty seven RAR groups throughout Australia reaching out to approximately 10,000 members and friends and we're still growing strong."
Spare rooms for Refugees is helping to find accommodation for refugees on their release.

Australian Refugee Lobby, Support and Action Groups
This  information hub has links to many other organisations working on behalf of refugees and asylum seekers in Australia.  Page provided by the Safecom Project.
Visit the Refugee Media Space. Refugee Media Space is an archive for eye-witness accounts from Woomera from refugees and supporters, refugee-related news (mainly from Adelaide, the nearest Australian capital city), practical information on how to write and visit detained asylum seekers, an extensive links resource, plus items of interest from mainstream and autonomous media feeds.
Mahboba's Promise is the work of Australian Mahboba Rawi, herself an Afghan refugee of tremendous courage. With help from volunteers and donors, Mahoba's Promise directly assists women and children in Afghanistan, providing food, shelter, employment, schooling.

This site gives news of Australia's asylum seeker detention centres in Nauru and P.N.G. [ Manus Island ] and runs campaigns to assist them. Read The Cry of the Camp Children, Nauru.

Refugee Council of Australia

Go to the Refugee Council of Australia links page for more links...
The Australian Refugee Association seeks to enable refugees to settle in Australia with independence and dignity, and to develop and achieve their aspirations and opportunities in life. It provides advice, assistance and advocacy in settlement, migration, employment, community education and policy.

Further information about asylum seekers and refugees in Australia

Australian Broadcasting Commission feature on asylum seekers

The Sydney Morning Herald feature on immigration
The Melbourne Age feature on immigration

The Melbourne Age feature on asylum seekers

Muliticultural Australia examined - The Australian

Amnesty International Australia - Refugees

HREOC information on asylum seekers
Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission information about asylum seekers.

HREOC's National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
This inquiry was conducted in 2002 by  HREOC. Read the transcripts.

Australian Journal of Human Rights, Information Relevant to Refugee Law in Australia
Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community Education

University of NSW Centre for Refugee Research


Australian government web sites

HREOC information on asylum seekers

Refugee Review Tribunal
The Detention of Boat People
Department of the Parliamentary Library - Current Issues Brief February 2001
DIMIA Fact Sheets

DIMIA Statistics
DIMIA stands for Department of Immigration & Multicultural & Indigenous Affairs. DIMIA is responsible for our immigration detention centres, with day to day running contracted out previously to ACM, now to another private corporation. Read our government's own fact sheets on our refugee program, detention and border control.

NSW Refugee Health Service "We aim to promote the health of people from a refugee background living in NSW by assisting refugees, and the health professionals who work with them."


Overseas and international organisations

UNHCR stands for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
U.S. Committee for Refugees
Canadian Council for Refugees
Swedish Network of Asylum and Refugee Support Groups
ChilOut in the United Kingdom