
Supporting Asylum Seekers

There are a host of agencies coordinating visits to detention facilities, providing material support to asylum seekers in the community, organising events, providing a welcome in so many ways. Here are just some of the many terrific organisations you could get involved with in your area...

AMBER, Australian Mothers Building Empathy and Respect. Melbourne based

Asylum Seekers Centre, Sydney 

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC), Melbourne 

Blue Mountains Refugee Support Group, visits, material support

CARAD, Perth 

DASSAN, Darwin including visits to all Darwin detention facilities

Hills Circle of Friends, Adelaide

House of Welcome  Supporting asylum seekers living in the community. Material assistance, actual homes, transition out of detention etc. Sydney

Immigration, Advice and Rights Centre Inc

Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS), Sydney

Red Cross 

Rural Australians for Refugees Creating opportunities for asylum seekers and refugees to visit regional and rural Australia, sharing culture, community, challenging many myths!

Tasmanian Asylum Seeker Support supporting refugees and asylum seekers in the Tasmanian communtiy

Various QLD networks 

Villawood Vollies run programs inside Villawood Detention Centre

Welcome to Australia


ChilOut doesn't coordinate visits to detention centres but any Australian has the right to visit any centre. We are working on getting some clear and consistent guidelines from DIBP and Serco (the company who manages Australia's centres). 

The terrific team at DASSAN (Darwin Asylum Seeker Support and Advocay Network) have put together a visitors packwhich is well worth a read.

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Dec 13, 2014