Oscar compound, Woomera |
View examples of artwork by children in detention. A picture is worth a thousand words (and more) to convey the atmosphere in which our detainee children are living.
Read about the Freedom Bus Refugee Concentration Camp Tour 2002. There are pictures from the tour to go with the stories. The ACM flag and Australian flag fly side-by-side at MARIBYRNONG IDC. Don't miss the pictures from Port Hedland. Look at the faces behind the razor wire. Detainees are people like us.
The Refugee Action Collective has a gallery with more pictures to view. Look at pictures from Woomera, see a water cannon in action, dousing detainees (or from this page). The water cannon truck features in drawings done by detainee children. Read an eyewitness account of events at Woomera on 25 September 2001.
View images from the rally at Parliament House, Canberra, February 12th 2002.
Pictures from the ChilOut SAD Rally on Thursday March 7th in Martin Place, Sydney can be viewed on the Sydney Independent Media Centre web site. Pictures and story by .
View more images from the SAD Rally, by .
Pictures from the protest outside Australia House in London, April 25th 2002.
The Cage House is a film written and directed by Angela van Boxtel.
"The Cage House is a modern fairy tale about a little boy in the refugee detention centre. &&locked up in the closed environment of the detention centre. Ali, a little Iraqi boy, escapes in his 'fantasy world' to cross the bridge between unreal life and his powerful childish imagination. Ali drags the mixed adult refugees into his 'game'. Without realising he dissolves the borders of language and culture&&"
The images below are detail from pictures taken in January 2002 at Woomera during a visit by representatives of HREOC, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. The visit is a part of the National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention.

View all the HREOC pictures.