Gifts for people in detention
If you would like to send a gift to someone in detention, we have suggestions and details of where to send them below. Thanks to your fabulous support many gifts have been received; an easy way to meet these people's needs and wishes is to make a donation for visiting supporters to use as the detainees request.
You also save on postage by asking supporters visiting the detention centres to buy presents on your behalf. Banking details for Pt Pirie Australians for Refugees who visit Baxter are below.
Read important rules about what not to send and how to wrap presents:
C/o Programs Manager
Villawood IDC
PO Box 413
C/o Programs Coordinator
Maribyrnong IDC
GPO Box 241E
Baxter and Port Augusta Housing Project
Visit the Rural Australians for Refugees - Port Augusta Donations page.
Money donated will be used to purchase goods and services specifically requested by asylum seekers detained in the Baxter Centre
Or send a cheque to:
Bernadette Wauchope
Port Pirie Rural Australian for Refugees
9 Dunkley St
Pt Pirie SA 5540
Or send an accompanying letter to Bernadette and make your deposit into:
Bank of South Australia, Pt Pirie
Division of St. George Bank Limited
Account name: Pt Pirie Australians for Refugees
Acc. No. 105 003 115872140
Bernadette is in contact with the families and will buy them specific items e.g. new shoes as the need arises.
Christmas Island, Indian Ocean
Christmas Island Rural Australians for Refugees (CIRAR) has the following suggestionsto help the West Papuans now held on Christmas Island:
- Write some introductory letters, which we will take to the centre and let those who wish to communicate write and tell you about themselves.(we cannot give out names without permission.)
- Send stamps also so they can write back.
- Everyone wants to phone home and 'Say G'day' phonecards are in urgent need. (These are available from most Telstra shops and online).
- Magazines are a well received present.
- Send all together in Express Post Prepaid parcel (so it gets here by plane rather than ship) to CIRAR�s (Christmas Island Rural Australians for Refugees) address below and we will distribute to all. Once you have contact, you can then send direct to individuals care of the centre (see below).
- For those living in the community. We are supporting them with transport, activities and mobile phone credit - donations for topups, or more 'Say G'day' phonecards + stamps would be great for them too!
Christmas Island Rural Australians for Refugees (CIRAR)
P.O Box 513
Christmas Island
WA 6798
Address for detention centre:
Christmas Island IRPC
Christmas Island
WA 6798