NEWS: Naqib Noori has been released from Villawood on 31 January 2006. Well done to all his supporters.
Six years in detention: Australia splitting refugee family from Afghanistan
Release Naqib Ahmad Noori from Villawood
Here is an important campaign for a dear friend of ChilOut's, detained in Villawood since August 1999. He is an Afghan asylum seeker. His wife and 3 children were granted refugee status without too much delay, and have since become Australian citizens and live in western Sydney.
Until now, Noori has not wanted a public campaign on his behalf. Now he has agreed that a letter-writing campaign is vital to his release. He has won his case but still hasn't been released. There is a sample letter linked below. Please write your own letter of appeal to the Minister for Immigration. Please read carefully the guidelines below on how to write your letter.
Click to read letter to Mr. Ruddock from 272 of his constituents...
You can also help by collecting signatures for the petition to release Noori. Click here to download...
Still locked up, long after winning freedom
AUSTRALIA'S longest-serving immigration detainee is still in Villawood detention centre, almost four months after he won all legal appeals against the Government's refusal to give him a visa because of war crimes allegations. [...] My belief has changed about human rights in this country," he said. "I can't see any sign of human rights. The Government knows I have a family of three young children and an ill wife who cannot work properly … [but] it still shamelessly keeps me in this detention centre." Mr Noori's wife, Karima, and his three children are Australian citizens living near Villawood. His son turns 15 today, but Mr Noori cannot even visit the family's modest unit to celebrate.
Letter writing guidelines
Please send your letter to Noori and his supporters
Please email your letter of appeal to Jane Roberts or to Helen Tweedale , who will post it on.
Who to address your letter to
The Hon Amanda Vanstone
Minister for Immigration
Parliament House
Canberra, ACT 2600.
If you wish, send copies to:
- The Hon. Philip Ruddock, Attorney-General, Parliament House, Canberra, ACT 2600
- Mr. Paul O'Sullivan, Director General ASIO Central Office GPO Box 2176, Canberra ACT 2601
- Prof John McMillan, Commonwealth Ombudsman, PO Box 442, Canberra, ACT 2601
- Your Federal MP.
What your letter should say
The tone should be calm and matter of fact. Noori is anxious that letters are polite and not insulting to the Government, no matter how angry or passionate we feel.
Here are details to include:
- Noori's full name is Naqib Ahmad Noori.
- Ask for greater speed in processing Noori's release.
- His wife and children were granted refugee status 5 years ago and are now Australian citizens. The length of time this family has been separated is shattering. The children need their father.
- His favourable decision was handed down by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal of the Federal Court last October. That was 3 months ago.
- Noori's deteriorating mental state is a concern. Mention that he has been in detention for over 6 years.