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Merlin Luck's ChilOut Guest Book

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There's been a few questions as to how I became passionate about this issue. Well I guess the simple answer is that I read the facts. I think once you actually know what's going on and take the time to think about the human cost of Australia's policies it's hard not to be passionate. I feel strongly about many issues... I guess things that have been discussed all through my childhood. I remember my dad taking me to forest blockades in the rainforests near my home when I was just a kid, maybe 12... so like I said I've always been raised with a strong emphasis on humanitarian and environmental issues.


My mum now always says that at the end of the day, you can't just do nothing... that bad things happen when good people don't speak out, so to have the opportunity to speak out the way I did was very empowering!

Speak soon... cheers, Merlin

Name: Oliver 
Subject: Ich bin schtolz auf dich!
From:Melbourne, VIC
Hey Merlin,
I saw you walk down Brunswick st last week, but you were busy talking on the phone so I felt it wouldn't be appropriate to stop you and let you know how I felt about what you did.
What I wanted to say was that it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen on television. I had tears in my eyes. 
Olly (auch aus Deutschland)

Name: Georgia 
Subject: Question

Sent: 5/7/2004
From: Melbourne, VIC
Hi Merlin.
How are you and whassup DUDE??
My name is Georgia. I'm 16 and I am a Greek/Cypriot/Macedonian girl.
I'd just like to say to you good on you man cos you really do have a big heart and want to free people who have been trapped inside one place for all their life. You are so patriotic. I love a guy like you.
When are you going to come down to Melbourne? I would love to meet you. I know you cam down to be on Rove Live but are you thinking of comming back?

Name: madi
Subject: u rok!

Sent: 3/7/2004
From: Melbourne, VIC
i wanna say merlin u rok 4 wat u did! u r so kool. u dont care bout da money u won. which me and my friedz really respect u 4. we need more giving celebrities like u!

Name: Samantha 
Subject: hey 
Sent: 2/7/2004
From: Adelaide, SA
hey merlin, i seen u on rudall mall street on saturday the 2nd of july, u signed my balloon. Well i just want to tell u that i love u lots and ur hell hot. I agree bout letting the children out of the detetion centres, may i ask, wat got you in to protesting to free them? what made you you care so much? Love you lots, numba 1# fan. Samantha

Name: Shelley 
Subject: free th refugees
Sent: 2/7/2004

From: Fremantle, WA
I just wanted to thank you for all you have done and are doing for the freedom of refugees. With so many people doing so many things - we will eventually close the detention centres!
Could take years... though... 
No need to reply to my message. I just wanted to send my words of support.

Hey all,

Sorry it's taken me so long to touch base... I've been so incredibly busy as you can imagine. It's kind of crazy to type my name into google these days and see so much controversy - so many opinions. Sometimes it's depressing, just realising how ignorant and narrow minded some people in this country still are. Disagreeing with my point of view is one thing, but what baffles me is people who talk about me as if I'm some evil terrorist... it's like I alone am the new axis of evil in these peoples minds... sheeesh... if only they used their passion in a more constructive way.

It's something to laugh about anyway. To be honest, I'm so overwhelmed at the support that I've felt the past few weeks... I can't even describe how many hugs and smiles and thankyou's I've been inundated with... there's just so much warmth. Something that's been really amazing for me is hanging out with refugee families and youth. When these people put their arm around you and say thankyou... thankyou for being a voice for us, thankyou for reminding us that we are welcome here, that we are wanted... it's incredibly touching.

I feel like it's given a lot of people a little more hope. Given people who have been campaigning for years something to smile about, and in a sense given the movement a bit of a boost. It's cool that the Chilout crew have made the effort to document how everything's been unfolding and collated it here (Thanks Fiona:). It's been so crazy that I haven't had a chance to read much of the press as it happened, so it's awesome to be able to drop by the site and catch up on the latest.

Anyway, I'm rambling so I'll make a move... so much to do, but thanks for passing by the site and posting here... it's nice to have a home :)

All the best and I'll post again soon - Merlin

Name: Mira
Subject: Onya!
Sent: 1/7/2004

From: Central Coast, NSW
No question-just a big CONGRATULATIONS on your courageous stand.You should know that we are all behind you! I was asked during a radio interview whether the fact that u r not an Australian citizen weakened your stand.I answered that you don't have to be Australian to know that Australia's treatment of asylum-seekers & refugees is inhumane- you just have to be a human being. You are a special human being!
Free th refugees! Mira

Name: Nobby
Subject: Wie hast DU es geschafft, ein visum fuer Oz zu bekommen
Sent: 30/6/2004

From: Chippendale, Sydney, NSW
hi merlin, 
sorry to grab your attention with a german subject line ;-) when i was in NZ the last weeks, people asked me why you got a visa, and i assumed you must have fled from east germany, but now i learn that your parents overstayed back in 1984, so i assume they got kicked out? and why not you? or am i totally wrong? 
cheers, Nobby.
PS: ich frag dich wohl nochmal, wenn du ins resistance centre eingeladen wirst...

[Ed: Merlin came to Australia as a 4 yr old, on a tourist visa with his family. They overstayed their tourist visas, but after 7 years became permanent residents.] 

Name: Joanie

Subject: hi

Sent: 30/6/2004

From: Ulverstone, TAS

hi merlin, I was just wondering how did you get interested in the refugee issue? and i want to say how proud i am of what you did :) well done!

Name: Helena

Subject: Asylum Seekers

Sent: 30/6/2004

From: Port Hedland, WA

Congratulations on your public protest. I used to visit asylum seekers in Port Hedland. They have now been transferred to Baxter a very isolated establishent. People like you can contribute to keeping their plight in the media focus. Well Done.

Name: Peter

Subject: In awe

Sent: 30/6/2004

From: Semaphore, SA

Are there any more media contestants like you? Bring 'em out. Let 'em sing. Goodonya!!!!

Name: Kate

Subject: just a herroo

Sent: 30/6/2004

From: Adelaide, SA

Just wanted to let you know that it was a gutsy action that you took on your eviction night. It can be hard enough to stand up for your convictions and take action even when you are amongst like minded folk, and to do it alone and in such a public forum is even greater. Congrats on bringing the issue to the forefront and for standing up for what you believe.

Name: Lynne

Sent: 28/6/2004

From: SA

Just a short message from a family of four in Port Augusta. Merlin I have two children, boys, aged 8 and 11. We have been visiting families in Baxter detention centre for the last eighteen months. We were watching your eviction on that wonderful Sunday night and we all cried tears of joy for your brave and powerful statement on the refugee issue. What you did inspired our family to keep positive about our commitments. From one human to another, thank you. The kids in Baxter can not get channel 10 but heard alot about it and were keen to hear the story repeated a couple of times.

Ps If you are ever visiting Baxter, we have a spare room available and we have a iranian friend who is a wonderful cook..

Name: Parijat

Sent: 26/6/2004

Just a note to say thank you Merlin, for being so courageous. You were not aggressive, Gretel was. You brought the issue into the limelight of commercial TV. What an exposure! The TV presenters Gretel and Rove didn't handle it with integrity,they both came across ill informed and sarcastic. Anyone who has visited Baxter and knows detained families will shake their heads at their behaviour. Keep going, we need young people to become active for positive change.