chilout »get involved

Lobby Your Local Candidates in the NSW State Election March 2003

The NSW State election will be held on the 22 March 2003. In this election ChilOut supporters finally have an opportunity to demand a more compassionate refugee policy through the ballot box. It is not just about voting for the best policy. We must let our leaders and would-be-leaders know that this issue matters. Read why temporary protection visas are a state issue.

»Write to, call AND visit your local Member of Parliament and candidates of other parties standing in your electorate. Let them know directly that you will be taking their policy on refugees living into account when you vote.

Use the draft letter (LetterToNSWPremier.doc or LetterToNSWPremier.txt) to guide you. Feel free to change it to your own style or those issues that concern you most.

Don’t know your electorate? Easy! Go to and click on “What is my electorate?”

Need the contact details for you local member? Go to and click on State Election Kit. Scroll down to “List of Members of Parliament”.

For more information on how to visit your MP go to and click on “How to visit a Politician”

»Call the Premier’s Office and the Opposition Leader’s Office (John Brogden, MP). Let them know you will be taking their policy on refugees living in NSW into account when you vote. Let them know that this IS a State issue and that complaining about cost-shifting by the Federal Government is not a good enough reason to not provide support to people living in NSW. 

»When you vote on Election Day, talk to the party volunteers about this issue. Word will get back!