chilout »get involved »visitors program »Villawood

Visiting Villawood detention centre

Please send email to if you would like to participate in the Villawood visitors program. Regular visitors testify to the difference their visits can make to the lives of detainees, and how, as visitors, they have themselves been changed by their experience.

Villawood visits are taking place on Saturdays or Sundays at present. Upcoming dates are:

If you are interested in becoming a visitor to the Villawood detention centre in Sydney, please read our Detention centre visitor's guide.

How to Get to Villawood Immigration Detention Centre

Get onto Woodville Road that runs across the Hume Highways and Parramatta Road. Turn into Christina Road and from there into Birmingham Avenue. Continue to the end into the Villawood IDC where you will see the double razor wire fencing. Follow signs to Stage 2.

By train the closest station is Leightonfield, which is on Christina Road and follow above instructions.

Visitor's guide

Please read our visitor's guide for information about