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Thank you. Donations for presents have now closed

Your generosity has meant that every single one of the 1153+ children (more babies were born and more children have arrived to Christmas Island since this 'latest figure') have received a gift that says we welcome you, we have not forgotten you. 

How Does it Work?

Using the secure online form linked above and below, you donate (any amount you like), leave your email address on the secure form and we email you a printable card. You will receive your card on the same day but it's a manual process for us, if you're in a super hurry let us know on [email protected]

NB: the form asks for a 'reference', this is for your own records and can be anything you like

I need more Gift Cards

We aim to spend $30 per child but you donations of all sizes are welcome. If you make a donation to cover a few Aunts, colleagues, friends, you can print the card as many times as necessary.

Yes, we understand there's a loophole in this system but if someone wishes to donate $30 but give out heaps of cards and let people know there are 1,153 innocent children locked up in Australia's name... we're ok with that!

Where’s my Tax Invoice?

ChilOut is not yet registered for tax deductible status. Apologies, we're working on it. You will receive an automated receipt and notation on your own bank statement.

Why can’t I buy my own gift?

We simply don't have the storage and logistics capabalities to handle this. As far as possible volunteers shop locally near to each detention facility and regular visitors take the gifts in greatly reducing freight costs.

Buying centrally means there is equality across the gifts and that all age ranges are covered. Christmas Island and Nauru gifts (over 539 of them) have already been sent.

Many of these children wouldn’t celebrate Christmas

Correct. But these are gifts of welcome and crucially they say 'you have not been forgotten'. Presents are accompanied with messages that they are donated by Australians who care.

What types of gifts are given?

Books, activity books, games, puzzles, educational toys (toddler development etc), clothing, cosmetics, jewellery, toys to stretch the imagination, dvds, stationery, lego-style toys, sporting equipment, art and craft items and more.

Gifts are bought by people with experience and understanding of items that are permitted, restrictions on space, cultural and other sensitivites and above all FUN. In addition ChilOut assists in the funding of festive celebrations planned by local groups eg at Inverbrackie in Adelaide.

If you're a retailer / importer etc and want to donate BULK quality items at cost or free for next year... please get in touch via

Will my money definitely result in a gift being sent?

Yes. We rely primarily on volunteer coordination of this program so there are minimal staff expenses and we work very hard to minimise postage / logistics costs.

Once every child has a gift, if there are funds left these will contribute to the ongoing advocacy work of ChilOut aiming to end the indefinite, mandatory and remote detention of children.