Useful links
Operation Sovereign Borders in the Government's own words; "is a military-led, border security operation supported and assisted by a wide range of federal government agencies.The OSB Joint Agency Task Force (JATF) has been established to ensure a whole-of-government effort to combat people smuggling and protect Australia’s borders." This website contains any press releases and other limited public information released under OSB.
There have been so many policy and procedural changes depending on the dates people arrived by boat to seek protection. RACS (Refugee Advice and Casework Service) have developed flowcharts to make things easier to comprehend.
The Australian Parliamentary library publishes its own myths and facts information
The Refugee Council of Australia has a very detailed myths and facts page
And if you'd like the info represented in graphics; Amnesty International Australia can provide that
If you're looking for a schools / education focused resource, SBS, Amnesty International and RCOA joined forces to create that for you